package ISPMan; use AutoLoader 'AUTOLOAD'; use strict; use Text::Template; use ISPMan::IMAP; use ISPMan::LDAP; use ISPMan::Utils; use ISPMan::Config; use ISPMan::UserMan; use ISPMan::DNSMan; use ISPMan::ApacheMan; use CGI::Carp "fatalsToBrowser"; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $ldap $imap $Config); require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader); @EXPORT = qw(); $VERSION = '0.01'; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self; my $confDir=shift || "/usr/pkg/etc/ispman"; $Config=ISPMan::Config->new($confDir); $self->{'Config'}=$Config; $self->{'imap'}=ISPMan::IMAP->new(); $self->{'ldap'}=ISPMan::LDAP->new($Config->{'ldapBaseDN'}, $Config->{'ldapHost'}, $Config->{'ldapRootDN'},$Config->{'ldapRootPass'}); if (! $self->{'ldap'}->connected()){ $self->{'ldap'}->connect(); } my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =localtime(time); $year+=1900; $mon++; $mon=($mon<10)?"0$mon":$mon; $self->{'year'}=$year; $self->{'mon'}=$mon; $self->{'mday'}=$mday; return bless $self, $class; } sub getConf { my $self=shift; my $key=shift; return $self->{'Config'}{$key}; } sub newDomain { my $self=shift; my $r=shift; $self->{'ldap'}->addDomain($r, $self->{'Config'}); print $self->refreshSignal(); } sub deleteDomain { my $self=shift; my $r=shift; my $domain=$r->param("domain"); #Lets be a BOFH and Delete All users MuhhahhhAAAAhaahaa my $users=$self->getUsers("ou=users, domain=$domain, " . $self->{'Config'}{'ldapBaseDN'}); for (keys %$users) { my $dn=explodeDN($users->{$_}); print "$users->{$_}
\n"; my ($maildrophost)=$self->getEntry($users->{$_}, ["maildrophost"])->get_value("maildrophost"); if ($maildrophost) { $self->{'imap'}->delete($dn->{'uid'}, $maildrophost); } $self->{'ldap'}->DeleteUser($users->{$_}); } # Now Delete the rest of the tree. $self->{'ldap'}->delTree("domain=$domain, " . $self->{'Config'}{'ldapBaseDN'}); print $self->refreshSignal(); } sub explodeDN{ my $dn=shift; my @attr=split(/\s*,\s*/ , CGI::unescape($dn)); my $exploded; for (@attr){ my ($var, $val)=split(/\s*=\s*/, $_); $exploded->{$var}=$val; } return $exploded; } sub getEntry { my $self=shift; return $self->{'ldap'}->getEntry(@_); } sub getEntries { my $self=shift; return $self->{'ldap'}->getEntries(@_); } sub getDomains{ my $self=shift; my $domains=$self->{'ldap'}->getEntriesAsHashRef($Config->{'ldapBaseDN'}, "objectclass=dnsdomain", ["domain"]); my $dom; for (keys %$domains) { $dom->{$domains->{$_}{'domain'}}=$_; } return $dom; } sub getRecords { my $self=shift; my $dn=shift; my $type=shift; $dn="cn=$type, ou=dnsdata, $dn"; my $entry=$self->getEntry($dn); if ($entry) { my @records=$entry->get_value("record"); return \@records; } } 1; __END__ # Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it! =head1 NAME ISPMan - Perl module for ISPMan webAdministrator and command line utils =head1 SYNOPSIS use ISPMan; something useful here. =head1 DESCRIPTION holds miscellneous functions for setting/getting informations to/from the LDAP server. It also creates users and mail boxes. ISPMan reads its configuration and templates from directory /usr/pkg/etc/ispman/ Make sure it is there and is protected Simple example to fetch all domains from the ldap server. use ISPMan; my $ispman=ISPMan->new(); my $domains=$ispman->getDomains; print join "\n", keys %$domains; This will print all the domains that are in your LDAP tree. Another example to list users from a domain use ISPMan; my $ispman=ISPMan->new(); my $users=$ispman->getUsers(", o=ispman"); print join "\n", keys %$users; Sorry for not a lot of documentation, still cleaning the code. =head1 AUTHOR Atif Ghaffar, =head1 HOMEPAGE (source for latest module and more documentation) =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1) IMAP::Admin(3pm) Text::Template(3pm) Net::LDAP(3pm) Net::LDAP::Entry(3pm) Net::LDAP::Util(3pm). =cut