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Guido �������� Perl �� ��� ���� � ��������. ����� Perl
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Pukhlyakov Kirill <kirill(at)linuxfocus.org>
��������� HTML ���� �� Perl, HTML::TagReader
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tr_tagcontentgrep -l img file.html
index.html:53: <IMG src="../images/transpix.gif" alt="">
index.html:257: <IMG SRC="../Logo.gif" width=128
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use HTML::TagReader;
die "USAGE: htmltitle file.html [file2.html...]\n" unless($ARGV[0]);
my $printnow=0;
my ($tagOrText,$tagtype,$linenumber,$column);
for my $file (@ARGV){
my $p=new HTML::TagReader "$file";
# read the file with getbytoken:
while(($tagOrText,$tagtype,$linenumber,$column) = $p->getbytoken(0)){
if ($tagtype eq "title"){
print "${file}:${linenumber}:${column}: ";
next unless($printnow);
if ($tagtype eq "/title" || $tagtype eq "/head" ){
print "\n";
$tagOrText=~s/\s+/ /; #kill newline, double space and tabs
print $tagOrText;
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�� �������� </title>.
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htmltitle file.html somedir/index.html
file.html:4: the cool perl page
somedir/index.html:9: joe's homepage
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HTML::TagReader. ����� ��������� ������� ������ � �����:
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use HTML::TagReader;
die "USAGE: taggrep.pl searchexpr file.html\n" unless ($ARGV[1]);
my $expression = shift;
my @tag;
for my $file (@ARGV){
my $p=new HTML::TagReader "$file";
while(@tag = $p->gettag(0)){
# $tag[0] is the tag (e.g <a href=...>)
# $tag[1]=linenumber $tag[2]=column
if ($tag[0]=~/$expression/io){
print "$file:$tag[1]:$tag[2]: $tag[0]\n";
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file.html:135:15: <img src="images/2doc.gif" width=34
file.html:140:1: <img src="images/tst.gif" height="164"
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use strict;
use HTML::TagReader;
# strip all font tags from html code but leave the rest of the
# code un-changed.
die "USAGE: delfont file.html > newfile.html\n" unless ($ARGV[0]);
my $file = $ARGV[0];
my ($tagOrText,$tagtype,$linenumber,$column);
my $p=new HTML::TagReader "$file";
# read the file with getbytoken:
while(($tagOrText,$tagtype,$linenumber,$column) = $p->getbytoken(0)){
if ($tagtype eq "font" || $tagtype eq "/font"){
print STDERR "${file}:${linenumber}:${column}: deleting $tagtype\n";
print $tagOrText;
# vim: set sw=4 ts=4 si et:
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2003-01-03, generated by lfparser version 2.31